Stringing Policy

Sec. 7-12. Prohibition Against Stringing. “Stringing” is dividing or planning any procurement program, activity, transaction, invoice, purchase order or agreement involving the Board or any of its operational elements (including offices, departments, bureaus, programs, units and schools) to avoid either: (a) any of the competitive procurement processes set forth in Board Rule 7–2; or (b) any of the limitations on delegated authority set forth in Board Rule 7–15 or 105 ILCS 5/34–8.1. Stringing is prohibited.

720 ILCS 5/33E-2(i-5) "Stringing" means knowingly structuring a contract or job order to avoid the contract or job order being subject to competitive bidding requirements.

720 ILCS 5/33E-18 Sec. 33E-18. Unlawful stringing of bids. (a) A person commits unlawful stringing of bids when he or she, with the intent to evade the bidding requirements of any unit of local government or school district, knowingly strings or assists in stringing, or attempts to string any contract or job order with the unit of local government or school district. (b) Sentence. Unlawful stringing of bids is a Class 4 felony.

730 ILCS 5/5-4.5-45 Sec. 5-4.5-45. CLASS 4 FELONIES; SENTENCE. For a Class 4 felony: (a) TERM. The sentence of imprisonment shall be a determinate sentence of not less than one year and not more than 3 years.